Whipped Tallow Balm | Kunzea | 100mL
This is a rich & moisturising balm that has been whipped to create a gentle, all-day barrier for your skin during all-seasons of the year.
Especially healing for dry skin that struggles to maintain moisture.
Preserve the health of your skin against its most dangerous enemy, the elements!
An aromatically unique essential oil derived from the Kunzea ambigua plant capturing the essence of the native Tasmanian island.
Clean, fresh medicinal aroma; eucalyptus with background spicy, woody and sweet notes of the Tasmanian bush.
With incredible anti-inflammatory + pain relieving properties, Kunzea has the potential to assist with arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains!
Directions for use:
Softer in the summertime and firmer in the winter, this balm will need to be warmed up between the thumb and forefinger, or in the palm of a hand, to break down into a silky compound that is ready for skin-wide spreading.
Apply a finger full to your face, hands and limbs for nourishing coverage that can be regularly applied throughout the day as required.
On the skin:
- Contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) with natural anti-inflammatory properties
- Contains oleic acid (omega 9) aiding other components in penetrating deeply into the skin
- Is antibacterial & antimicrobial
- Contains palmitic acid which helps improve the protective barrier function of the skin
- Contains stearic acid which helps to repair damaged skin, and improves skin’s flexibility and suppleness
- Aids in skin regeneration for skin that appears healthier and more youthful
- Contains palmitoleic acid (omega 7) which is one of our skin’s basic building blocks
Made from:
Tasmanian Grass-fed Tallow, Tasmanian Cold-pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Essential Oil of Kunzea.
GROSS weight: 230g
- Keep in temperatures below 30 degrees and out of direct sunlight to maintain the shelf life of this balm.
- As we do not de-odourise our tallow used for skincare then there will be a 'beefy' smell to the product which may be off-putting to unfamiliar noses.
- Product may present as 'grainy' upon initial use and cause questions as to the condition of its quality. Please refer to the above 'directions for use' if encountering this issue. If the issue persists or you have further concerns then contact us to discuss further 😊
- We recommend consulting your GP or a dermatologist if intending to use our products with pre-existing skin issues.